Just like the athletes, some of us skid off the course and crash while trying to persevere through illness. It finally caught up with me. In the course of watching and knitting with this cold, I dropped one of my needles. Oops. While trying to find it without falling over, it fell out between the cushions of the rocker recliner underneath and look what happened.

This is now a knitting needle that reminds me that I was going to use circulars in the first place just because dropping needles irritate me. However, I in a mind all my own, bought a bunch of knitting needles at a garage sale and was able to rescue the day using another size 7. What I can't figure out is why I have any straight needles anyway? Hmmm... In any case, I was able to continue knitting with a spare. I am on my last ladybug for this first panel. Then, woe and behold, I realized I am nearly out of red yarn in my bobbins! Alas, no red yarn in my bag. Hmmm... no red yarn anywhere. I realized that I must have included it the bag of scrap yarn that I gave to my Aunt to bring to her elementary school for art projects two weeks ago. Gak!
This is still a saveable project.
Number one: I have just enough red yarn to finish this panel.
Number two: Red Heart is pretty good about matching colors .
Number three: Even if it doesn't match perfectly, or I can't get cherry red, it's not a problem as ladybugs are different shades also.
I emailed my aunt (rhymes with haunt in these parts) in the hopes that she forgot it at home. In either case, I will just have to work on the white until I get something on Saturday. I'm not even going to my Thimbleberries group tonight as I just feel crummy.
[update: Did not have enough yarn to finish the final ladybug on the panel. Took off the needles temporarily and am starting on the next panel. I can work on that until I reach the first ladybug. Then I'll be working on Anubis until I can get to the yarn store (too dizzy from this cold to drive!).]