Here's a switch. A project that took me all of two weeks and it is completely done! I'd been trying to come up with ways of using leftover batting. A while back, I decided to do a small practice quilt using the techniques in Reversible Quilts:Two At A Time by Sharon Pederson prior to doing a queen sized quilt. I already had a 2 gallon bag full of precut 7 inch poly and poly blend batting squares. Recently, I received my I Spy swap squares, so now was the time to do something. This project is quilted as you sew. I just can't get over how quickly this was a done project!? No wonder quilters love kid's quilts: they are so quick to do!
The front of the quilt features a Mickey Mouse fabric along with complementary solids. Strips were a variety of blues. The blue pin dot fabric was from my sister's stash. The back of the quilt is I Spy swap squares surrounded by black Kona fabric. I also used a reversible binding, which was very easy. The final quilt is 43 x 56 inches. This will be a present to Samantha (13 months old), my cousin's daughter. My Mom has asked me to do another one for the hospital's auction in the winter. So, I'll have to see what other groups of squares I can come up with for a second back. One thing I learned with this quilt is that you need to go much slower with a walking foot in order for it to keep up with the feed dogs.
[edited to add]: Here's a link on this method from Sharon Pederson.,1805,HGTV_3876_1727368,00.html
Front and back of Reversible Quilt
Dog Treats in Super Cubes
3 hours ago
lovely! it's really cute! i need to get back into sewing!
I'm not sure which side I like better. And the best thing is that it's DONE!
I love that little quilt. It's so interesting for a child. Never made a reversible quilt myself.
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