Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Love My Ipod

Yes, I have joined the rest of you in Ipod heaven. FINALLY bought one and I'm glad I waited. I got a brand new, totally up to date, 4th Generation Ipod Nano with 16 Gigs of memory. It arrived at 9:30 a.m. yesterday and it is 75% full. Videos, you think? No, no, no. I bought this for podcasts and I have more than 400 on there already. Not just knitting, crocheting and quilting podcasts, but also cooking, audiobooks (in podcast form) and TONS of old radio shows. No video podcasts however. The ones I had chosen are not compatible.

Still on my list of electronic upgrades is a new mini-stereo. I can't decide what I want from what is available. Using earbuds or headphones while quilting just doesn't work for me, so I truly need all the functions including CD, MP3, tape and Ipod dock to play my various audiobooks. And I want it under $200. Some folks just want everything (that'd be me).
I Love My Ipod

On the craft front, I continue to crochet the Lion Brand Crochet-a-long afghan. However, I had to put it aside and make another kitty. I haven't decided how the face is going to look yet, so in the meantime, it will look more sculpture like.
White Kitty

Polly nagged me for many minutes last night, so I finally put this box on the table next to me and was in the process of emptying it, when she just flopped down and went to sleep on top of the stuff still there. During the day, she doesn't care, but late in the evening, she wants to sleep close by.
Polly Is Tired
Sadly, we are reaching the end of tomato growing season. I should have taken a photo of our fabulous collection of plants this year. Clearly, it was too cold last night and the tops of most of the plants have shrunken. The two plants next to the house are untouched. Only one plant looks like it was a goner, so I'm going out this afternoon (after it stops raining) and removing all the tomatoes from that plant. The rest will have some time to vine ripen.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Small Cat

Yes, I did a small cat! This was an attempt to recreate a tuxedo cat. I'm lukewarm on the result. I'm knitting another one now. I'm going to do a whole bunch of them, but it may take time to find something that will approximate my calico girls. Knitted entirely flat in garter stitch, I just used Red Heart leftovers.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Talk Like A Pirate and Look Like One Too!

Aye, once again it's International Talk Like A Pirate Day. What be you doin'? I be makin' pirates.

This 'ere's me new shipmate, Yellowbeard. 'Is mum called 'im Rrrnold. Made 'im from Jiffy yarn (acrylic mohair, hence the beard) and odds and ends of acrylic leftovers. He be about 10 inches tall and fittin'. Pattern based on Pirate Pal from No, Polly is not wantin' to have a cracker. She be a particular yarn cat. It'd be Alice who'd be wantin' herself a cracker.

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What's a pirate's favorite socks? Arrrrgyle.

How do pirates make their money? By hook or by crook.

Why did the pirate refuse to say, "Aye, Aye, Captain"? Because he's only got one eye.

What has 12 arms, 12 legs and 12 eyes? A dozen pirates.

Difficulties, Difficulties

I continue to work on projects. My attempt at making a Doppleganger of Sylvester hasn't gone so well. All knitted up. Can't figure out spatially how to sew the legs. Rats. Or Cats as it were. I also put the white on the wrong part of the head so will just make that into a cat toy and reknit the cat head. Hopefully, this all will be worked out today. This is UFO Thursday and I need to get working on another square for my 63 Stitch Sampler Afghan!

I just discovered Alan Dart knitting patterns and a helpful person in the UK provided me with scans of his stuff in magazines over the years. Wow! Very creative guy! I'm in knitting heaven here. There was even a Cheshire Cat. What inspired me originally, however, was the Gnome. Couldn't help myself. I once collected gnomes (especially music boxes) but calamity struck during a move and they are no more. This, however, can be thrown, dragged and beaten up by the cats and it will continue to grace my home. While designed for DK weight, it appears knitters haven't had a problem with worsted either. The eyelash for the beard has been discontinued, but I'm going to work with some of the Splash eyelashes to come up with a suitable substitute. I think Lion Fun Fur would also work, but it is a tad shiny for a beard.

Here is a link to the gnome completed by another knitter.

The gnome pattern can be owned by you by going to the link below. He only accepts Paypal. Patterns are currently about $5 each and are immediately downloaded.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Working Hard!

I swear, I've been working harder looking at links and patterns on the internet than actually getting any crafting done lately. However, I will admit that I was making an Apple Potholder that came out strawberry shaped. Hmm.. something wrong here. I'll be redoing it tonight. I forgot to mow the lawn earlier and it is now too dark. I keep forgetting that the light cuts off earlier. A half mown lawn looks works than an unshorn one, so I'll ignore it until tomorrow.

I'm joining a Knit-a-long that even crocheters are invited to entitled the CareFree Holiday -or not- KAL. PLEASE mention my blog and/or name (Stephanie) if you decide to join. I get a point for it. The Knit-a-long starts Oct. 1 and runs through Nov. 30. Extra points if you use Crystal Palace yarns. Crystal Palace is providing prizes. Here's a link.

I decided to join since I've already chosen my project (already planned, natch) and my yarn was ordered several days ago, so I should be ready by Oct. 1. Still need to get larger circulars, however. For those, I'm checking out Joann's.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Finished the Chicken!

Here's my first potholder in decades. The pattern is from Annie's Attic Ultimate Book of Potholders. I did this in Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton using an E hook. It came out an inch larger than the pattern, but I actually like them a little larger so that's fine. I actually need a bunch of potholders and am inspired to do some crazy ones first.

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If you don't want to buy the book just for this pattern, here is a very similar version for you to use.

Crochet-a-long and Old Project

Yes, once again, multiple projects. Today, I'm working on a potholder. As soon as that is done, I have to start working on a gift for another crocheter (a crocheted purse), now that I have all the materials. I still need a small amount of fabric for the liner, but that will wait for a shopping day. I also need to work on my robot. I'm not very good for much else this week - major sinus congestion is making me dizzy. I'm still kindof whiny about cutting back on coffee. I love tea, but it's just not the same (and I'm not counting the caffeine).

I joined the Lion Brand Yarn Crochet-a-long which started at the beginning of September and lasts for 6 weeks. We are all working on a sampler afghan. Here are two of my blocks. I'm using a P crochet hook and, as I'm a loose crocheter, my blocks are a tad above gauge. While these two come out the same size, the third block does not. I'm just going to add more chains to the foundation chain and make it a little bigger. The final size of the afghan according to the pattern is just a little smaller than average and this will bring it up to a more comfortable 45x60 inch. At the suggestion of several other participants, I went with Vanna's Afghan yarn. This stuff is SO soft and I would say virtually the same as the old Caron Sayelle that I used for all my afghans in the 80s and 90s. These colors are beige and dusty blue. They go fast and now that I've decided on sizing, I should be able to get a bunch done in the next week.

I am also back to working on my Leisure Arts 63 Stitches Sampler Afghan started in 2004. Yes, way back then it ended up on the sidelines. Here are blocks #39 and #15. I really like this puff stitch and plan to incorporate it in an afghan soon. I am working on at least one block a week on Thursdays. Yes, at that rate, it will take me until late next year to be completed, but when you consider that I started in 2004, next year is good enough.
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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Need Your Comments!

I'm trying to make my blog a little more user friendly. Photos that no longer have a link will be addressed yet. I reduced the number of labels as it wasn't looking helpful to anybody or to me.

Other than that, is my side bar. Do you like the order of the stuff on the sidebar? Suggestions on alternate order. Keep in mind that I am limited to the features available in Blogger.