Still suffering from that evil tennis elbow issue (and I haven't played in years). So, no knitting or crocheting yet, and a lot of quilting is on hold. However, most every day I have been appliqueing away on Hearts. I have 15 hearts left to applique before I can start assembling this quilt. This will end up being roughly a full sized quilt. Obviously going well. My points...well, that's another story. However, I decided I can live with rounded points rather than redo. They look pretty good from 10 feet away.
I have decided on the patterns for the next two Hawaiian blocks and hope to get them cut out and basted down this week. Since the tennis elbow continues, I also need to cut out the background panels for the Dresden Plate quilt - some piecing, mostly applique. I can manage a few cuts before the elbow screams 'Not Happening!" That will be my next appointment project when the hearts are done. The Hawaiian blocks are just a little too complex for wonky lighting at a medical office and besides, I have several audio books to get listening to.
OK.. that's about it. There will be some updated photos next posting!
March Azure Standard Order
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