Friday, December 22, 2006

We Got A Winner!

My Mom and Dad have had a Christmas train for some years now. This year, they won 1st Prize in the 1st Annual Lighting Display for a Large Non-motion Display (the wheels are motorized). First Prize was $50 (which pays for replacement light bulbs and stuff).
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Their neighbor directly across the street won 1st Prize for Large Motion Display (deer are animated). They have a very elegant display. Our end of the block tied up half the contest.
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Want to see more Christmas Train Photos!? Go to this link: They are in the Family Photos Section near the top. Yes, kitty photos are in the Pet section also, but I need to upload more!

I did manage to finish sewing the last border on the Paddlewheel quilt and have cut the fabric to make up the binding. Coming into the home stretch, but I know tomorrow will be full of errands, so I don't expect to get much done then.

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