Friday, September 01, 2006


Photobucket has added new features. So far, they aren't working well. I did no quilting yesterday, but did get to view lots of cowboys (and saw a couple get squashed by cows...ok..bulls..whatever).
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
While at the Fair, I found Sandra Wucher's (Yahoo's Stashbuster Listmom) Pineapple Log Cabin quilt. Isn't it great! I plan to use a similar pattern (foundation pieced) to make one eventually. I love her fabrics!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Here is my current project, the Maple Leaf quilt, while being tied. It is wider than my long, resin table, so I tie a section, then move it over. Have to be careful not to get little puckers when I do this, but so far, it's working well. I have to get this plus the Sister's Choice quilt done before it gets cold. I'm slow, but if I get in an hour a day, I progress.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your maple leaf quilt is lovely! looks like a fun fair!