Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Here's our new family, born (Oct. 10) overnight to Cleo-Claudine. There are 2 calicos, 2 tuxedos and one all-black. Oh, and 3 girls and 2 boys. She's taken to motherhood pretty well..all the right cat noises.
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Kim West said...

awww congrats on the kittens! they are cute!

Guinifer said...

Those little tails are ADORABLE. I want to snuggle those little things right up!

claudia said...

Awww kitties! I love kitties! I wish I could have one, but seeing as I am out in California, I think it wouldn't be practical! Momma kitty looks a lot like my daughter's rescue kitty who is living with me now!
Congrats! Have fun with them.